Thursday, 16 August 2018


Look at Room 8's Math 'Get Ups'

 Here we have the NUMBERS

 Here are the SOCCER group...all with numbers on their backs.
 Here come the stripey brigade!

These are our RATBAGS...mathematicians but not dressed up...oh I can see an EMOJI t-shirt...and a stripey t-shirt peeping out of those school uniforms.

Wonder who won the competition in the Pakiaka team?

Monday, 13 August 2018

Animal Shelter Presentations

Wow!  What a variety of Animal Shelter Presentations Room 10 did.  You all worked so hard. I learnt many new facts, and your oral language and confidence was outstanding.

Wednesday, 8 August 2018

Science with Trish -Session 1 Term 3

Today Room 8 visited Trish in the Science Lab.
We were learning about REACTIONS:
(This is when we put 2 chemicals together and the
molecules break up and rearrange)

Thanks Trish - that was fun today!
We learnt about exothermac reactions (temperatures went up when 2 chemicals mixed
together  ...AND endothermac reactions (temperatures went down when 2 different chemicals were joined)

Room 4 our buddies came to visit this afternoon!

It has taken some time for Mr Harman and Mrs Chapman to commit to a day to meet up.
Today was it!  On Charlie's birthday too!
Here are a few photos of us and our buddies meeting up and getting to know one another:

 We shared our writing with Room 4 and some of us showed them our SHELTER PROJECTS...we even sang to them 'LEMON TREE'

See you in a fortnight Room 4...this time we will come to your class to visit.