Thursday, 29 August 2019


Today Room 8 and our parents Georgie, Jo, Tina,
and Annabelle's nana Jeanine and Amelia's nana Robyn visited the famous PINK PIPI PIZZA restaurant on Joll Road.

We left school at 9:25am - just a quick stroll around the corner to our destination - arriving at 9:30am to be greeted by CHRIS the owner and his very kind and helpful assistant CHLOE.

We had the bestest time ...we all made our very own pizza - ate some of it at the location and then returned to school to finish it off.

MRS C said " What a noisy but happy bunch of kids we were"

Check out some of our photos:

Tuesday, 20 August 2019

Math Dress Up Day (ROOM 8)

 On Friday the 16th of August Havelock North Primary had a dress up day to finish off Maths Week....what do you think?  We think we all look pretty cool.

Thinking like an Artist